Ian Ellison

Ian Ellison

Co-founder, 3edges Workplace Ltd. / Associate Lecturer, Sheffield Hallam University

With 18 years’ experience spanning workplace and facilities management practice and education, Ian has developed a reputation as an engaging and entertaining thought leader. Passionate about the power of workplace to enable better business outcomes, his work at 3edges helps organisations to unlock their workplace advantage through action-led research, education and consultancy.

Ian is also the co-founder and host of Workplace Matters, a podcast providing fresh perspectives on the cultural, spatial and technological aspects of workplace, through thought-provoking conversations with fascinating people that design, create, manage and work in them. Workplace Matters is available for all formats through iTunes and Acast.


09 Noiembrie 2017


Key speakers


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ROFMA – Asociatia Romana de Workplace si Facility Management
este o entitate non-profit infiintata in anul 2009. Constituita ca unic reprezentant al comunitatii specialistilor ce isi desfasoara activitatea in domeniile facility management, workplace management și property management in Romania, ROFMA are ca scop reprezentarea, sustinerea si promovarea acestor domenii prin dezvoltarea cadrului educational, dar si informational si legislativ.
