ROFMA invites you to live a new experience in the Romanian FM

During 9-11 November, 2017 will be held, at the ROMEXPO Exhibition Center, ROFMEX 2017 - Romanian Facility Management ExperienceDays - Exhibition of equipment, products, technologies and solutions for facility management and support services. International Conference, Courses and Experience Area.

ROFMEX 2017 is the first event on promotion, education and know-how dedicated to the facility management industry at the level national. We are talking
about an industry that includes over 6,500 active companies with nearly 130,000 employees generating a turnover of 1.4 billion euros. An absolute novelty in the landscape of professional service events in Romania, through its original concept and organization, ROFMEX is the only event in the country that offers an overview of a wide range of state-of-the-art products and services offered to the facility management sector.

From air conditioning, sanitary installations, fire safety, IT, recycling, security technologies, archiving systems, document management and building services, landscaping and landscaping to opportunities to convert existing buildings (industrial or business premises) into buildings that respect environmental protection and the security of employees and the population, thus integrating the concept of sustainable development into urban planning, the whole range of services needed for a business is at ROFMEX. Professionals will demonstrate here that facility management is the efficient way that guides businesses to a safe and prosperous future, integrating people, buildings, the environment, processes and technologies in an optimal way.

At ROFMEX 2017, for full three days, FM representatives and support services - companies, specialists and authorities - will get together in an event that integrates a specialized exhibition, an international conference, certified ROFMA courses, as well as meetings, practical applications and group visits In Experience Area.

The exhibition, the first of the four pillars of ROFMEX 2017, is the most complex and effective marketing tool for manufacturers, importers and distributors of equipment, products, technologies, FM solutions and support services, aiming at an audience of corporate specialists, facility managers and other decision makers that manage millions of euros a year.

The international conference is the optimal platform for exchange of experience, specialized debate in the FM and support areas, dissemination of knowledge, developments and trends, the results of consultancy and specialized research. Romanian and international speakers, with a solid reputation in the elite of FM professionals and support services, will share their experience through interactive exposures on "hot" subjects of major interest.

ROFMA certified courses concretize the educational dimension of ROFMEX 2017, aimed at developing specific professional skills and capitalizing career opportunities. Participants come in direct contact with the equipment and solutions mentioned in the courses and participate effectively in various demonstrations within the Experience Area.

Experience Area is, at the same time, a showroom demonstration program and documentary visits to representative buildings in Bucharest. Participants in
Experience Area see, touch and examine directly the most modern equipment, products and solutions used worldwide in facility management activities, and
will attend documentary visits to representative buildings in Bucharest.

"As the holistic character of the facility management, through the ROFMEX integrating concept, our association aims at promoting the specific trends and
technologies of facility management, creating a system of contacts between all players on this market and promoting the concepts of sustainable development
and we will facilitate, through this unique event, access to specific information, conferences and trainings with national and international experts, as well as the development of relationships with reputable international professionals" said Cristian Vasiliu, general manager ROFMA.


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ROFMA – Asociatia Romana de Workplace si Facility Management
este o entitate non-profit infiintata in anul 2009. Constituita ca unic reprezentant al comunitatii specialistilor ce isi desfasoara activitatea in domeniile facility management, workplace management și property management in Romania, ROFMA are ca scop reprezentarea, sustinerea si promovarea acestor domenii prin dezvoltarea cadrului educational, dar si informational si legislativ.
